Eight Post

 Hi Everyone, 

    This week I want to reflect on my first experience creating a website. Personally, it was so much fun! I really enjoyed figuring out the theme I was going to use, putting together the announcements, finding curriculums I could use, and the overall finished product. I really liked everything about this assignment, for starters it was super fun. I have always loved creating things and in Middle School my teachers would ask us to create websites for my computer classes. This would be a very helpful alternative or even pair to blogging because being able to blog about the teaching experience and sharing it with the classroom would be quite beneficial. As a teacher, it is important to keep parents and students up to date on what is going on in class that week, as well as due dates for important assignments. Below I have linked my blog to show my finished assignment:

    Home (weebly.com)

    I am still not a huge fan of Diigo. It is kind of confusing to use but in some respects can be very beneficial for the teaching profession. Firstly, it can be used to bookmark webpages, as well as annotating and archiving. One way that Diigo can be used in the classroom is finding trends overtime of how something has stayed the same or changed. It can also be used to find sources for assignments and share sources with the class as a whole. 

    I found this blog to be a very credible source into the technological advancements in teaching. This is because she has received much recognition and uses credible sources as a means of her information. Her most recent post is based on the pandemic and how many of the things that students had access to once the pandemic hit hard should have been readily available years prior, especially with the prices of textbooks and such. She also has pieces related to Google in Education, Social Media in Education, Personal Learning Networks, SMARTboards, Higher Education, etc. 

  Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator 


  1. Hi Haley! Overall I really like your website design and I think it is very effective and does a decent job at following CRAP. I also liked learning more about you through your introduction tab! I think the wording is very close together so it might follow the alignment principle if it was spaced out a little more, especially if kindergartners are going to be reading off of this site. Another thing is that I really like your pictures, but I think you could have added more. Maybe at the top of each tab instead of the big green stripe. This would fit under the contrast principle.

  2. Hi Haley! I thought your website design was super cute! My favorite part was the announcements I thought that was a great idea. I think your design followed the CRAP well. Designing a website is tough, one recommendation I would make is just adding a little but of color. For kindergartens things like color and pictures really catches their eye.


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