Sixth Post

 Hi Blog,

    I kind of enjoy Diigo. It is somewhat challenging to navigate, but other than that there are many practical things that are provided through Diigo. It is helpful in storing information as well as, finding other resources like images. 

    I have really enjoyed blogging. It is a beneficial way to relay information and it is very stress relieving. Being able to write out what you are thinking and having it formatted so simply is helpful in being able to navigate through important information. I really enjoy how BlogSpot puts the information in order by date and also how well it puts together embedded materials. There is not really anything that is bothersome when it comes to using this platform. And as an educator it is an easy and sufficient way of relaying due dates and important information. Before taking this class, I dabbled a little bit in blogging during Middle School just for fun shares and such. But I am so glad that this is heavily encouraged for success.

    An interesting Web 2.0 tool that I enjoy using is Google Docs. By using this a group is able to collaborate with one another by editing content and sharing ideas. This is an interactive Microsoft Word, if you think about it. There are so many things that can be done through Google Docs when doing group work and it is also up to be edited by anyone who reviews it, which is very beneficial when it comes to challenging tasks. After coming to college, I have definitely become a fan of Google Docs because there are not as many features and there are ways that one can change background color, font, and font size all in one place. Below I have provided a link to one of my favorite Web 2.0 Tools :)

Google Docs


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