Second Post

 Hey Guys, 

    I want to talk about my experience with Microsoft Word. I have used other types of programs like Google Docs, but nothing compares to the experience that I have had throughout the years with Word. This program is definitely one of my favorites to use for many reasons. Firstly, it is much easier to navigate because growing up I have become more and more accustomed to its styles and the way to navigate it. There are so many different fonts and figuring out how to change the margins, font-size, and paragraphing is much simpler than other software's that are available. All Microsoft programs are very easy to use and having all of them together is quite convenient.

Microsoft Word 2003 Screenshot | Microsoft Word 2003 Screens…  Microsoft Word 2003 Screenshot John Martin  Change Your Photo's License in Flickr – Flickr ( 

    The most meaningful standard is definitely the Designer. This is mainly because many students are visual learners and for younger students especially, it can help for them to be more independent with assignments and such. This style helps for each student to be accommodated and helps for them to each use their different learning styles as a way to succeed. In this standard it helps for each student to dive deeper into their education by learning with specific activities. Many students are visual learners and when an educator is a Designer they develop ways for students to learn, which fits all of their basic needs. 

    Using the term "digital native", truly helps to describe how much this generation truly is in tune with technology. Growing up most students that I was surrounded by had to help their teachers with the Elmo, SMART board, Word, etc. It was always something that I took note of because with a new generation who understands technology, there will come more advanced technology that they may not understand. Students will definitely be more equip because they have educators who understand technology, but at the same time reading has become much less popular due to the rise in technology. My learning experience was definitely much different then students in today's society, mainly because of the fact that teachers are now younger and many of them grew up in a time where technology was used frequently. 


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